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product number / KU4FWUSWT01

"BROTHERS" Leather Heavy Weight Sweat 24AW

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  • KYOUの代表アイテムとして1stシーズンから展開しているヘビーウェイトスウェット”BROTHERS”はデザイナーが幼少期に大きく影響を受けた実兄と同じ洋服を色違いで購入し、シェアしていた経験から”BROTHERS”の名称となった。










    The heavyweight sweatshirt “BROTHERS”, which has been KYOU's representative item since the first season, was named “BROTHERS” after the designer's childhood experience of buying the same clothes in different colors and sharing them with his own brother, who had been a great influence on him. The name “BROTHERS” was derived from the designer's childhood experience of buying the same clothes in different colors and sharing them with his own brother, who was a great influence on him.

    A new color, Navy, was added as a seasonal color.

    The fabrics are washed in the production process, so that they are once passed through water so that they do not shrink after washing after purchase.
    The comfortable, airy, towel-like pile knitted fabric is used for the lining.

    EXCELLA® zipper is used for the zipper, a top-selling item of the brand that allows you to enjoy the mismatch of old-fashioned and luxurious feel.




    SIZE 0(U) 着丈 64cm /肩幅 52cm / バスト116㎝ / 袖丈58.5㎝



    SIZE 1 着丈 68.5cm /肩幅 67cm / バスト124㎝ / 袖丈61.5㎝


    SIZE 2 着丈 72cm /肩幅 70cm / バスト130㎝ / 袖丈62.5㎝




    RIB:Cotton 100%
    LEATHER:Cow Leather

2025 Spring Summer

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