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product number / KU4FWMPNT02

"MONSIUER" 3-Tuck Trousers

消費税込み |
  • 3タックワイドスラックス”MONSIEUR”




    ブランドの姿勢ともいえるメッセージを込めているオリジナルのロゴ入りマーベルトにはRIVER PHOENIXが残した言葉"I WOULD NEVER NEVER DO ANYTHING UNLESS I BELIEVE IN IT"を採用している。




    3-tuck wide slacks “MONSIEUR
    Three fabrics are used this season.

    The fabric used for the BLACK color is a cotton/polyester 60 twin yarn gabardine, which is dyed from the yarn to create a colorful iridescent color with a glossy feel.

    The material used for the FLOWER color is an archival fabric that had been lying dormant in a machine shop.
    The beautiful flowers are expressed by jacquard and made by a technique called rugs.

    The slacks are also tailored and sewn at a factory specializing in slacks in Japan.

    The original logo-embossed marbelt, which carries the brand's attitude and message, uses the words “I WOULD NEVER NEVER DO ANYTHING UNLESS I BELIEVE IN IT,” which were left by RIVER PHOENIX.




    SIZE 1 ウエスト 81cm / ヒップ 111.5cm / 股上 26㎝ / 股下 71㎝ / ワタリ 34.7㎝ / 裾幅 22㎝


    SIZE 2 ウエスト 84cm / ヒップ 114.5cm / 股上 26.5㎝ / 股下 73㎝ / ワタリ 35.7㎝ / 裾幅 22.5㎝



    SIZE 3 ウエスト 87cm / ヒップ 117.5cm / 股上 27㎝ / 股下 75㎝ / ワタリ 36.7㎝ / 裾幅 23㎝



    C/#BLACK FACE:Cotton 65%/Polyester 35%

    C/#FLOWER FACE:Cotton 100%


2025 Spring Summer

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